Contact Us
For more information regarding Huntsville Alumnae Chapter, please email icc@dsthuntsville.org.
If you are currently a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and are interested in becoming a financial member of Huntsville Alumnae Chapter, please send an email to financialsecretary@dsthuntsville.org to receive a dues / membership form.
Visiting Sorors
Thank you for considering visiting the Huntsville Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. We look forward to duly initiated members visiting our chapter meetings. We welcome you and extend an invitation for you to come and fellowship with us and gain more insight about the Huntsville Alumnae Chapter. If you plan to visit our chapter meeting, please complete the HAC Visitor Registration form.
Each visitor MUST show photo identification and her official membership card of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Visitors who are NOT members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. are restricted from entering chapter meetings. For information on membership, please visit our National Website at www.deltasigmatheta.org.
Reminders for our visiting sorors:
- Meetings are normally held the second Saturday of each month from September to May. Check the website for any changes in the schedule.
- PROOF OF DELTA MEMBERSHIP– Visiting sorors must present proof of membership in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. before being admitted into sorority meetings. A Delta Membership card and photo ID are required.
- First time visiting sorors are encouraged to contact our financial team at financialsecretary@dsthuntsville.org for verification of credentials prior to admittance.
- All visiting sorors should complete the HAC Visitor Registration form.
Membership Intake
Thank you for your interest in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Huntsville Alumnae Chapter is not conducting Membership Intake at this time.
We invite you to participate in our events and programs that are open to the public, so please visit our chapter website periodically to remain abreast of upcoming activities at www.dsthuntsville.org.