Welcome to Huntsville Alumnae Chapter!

Chartered in 1954, the Huntsville Alumnae Chapter has a rich legacy of providing service throughout the entire county of Madison. Our members diligently work to “Advance the Sisterhood” in Scholarship…

HAC Runs For Cancer – 2024 Liz Hurley Ribbon Run

Huntsville Alumnae Chapter was represented well at the Liz Hurley Ribbon Run on October 19, 2024.  Proceeds from the 2024 Ribbon Run will provide for the top-priority needs of Huntsville…

49th Southern Regional Conference

Huntsville Alumnae Chapter was well represented at the 49th Southern Regional Conference.  Over 70 HAC members were in attendance to handle the business of our beloved Sorority.   It was…


Chaplain's Message

But grow [spiritually mature] in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 3:18a

My Year to Hit a Growth Spurt

It’s here, 2025, and all who believe this will be a “Happy New Year”, if honest, have made New Year resolutions and plans to grow educationally, professionally, personally, financially, and socially – all above spiritually.  One evidence of growth in any aspect of our lives is based on the time and energy put forth towards each, and seemingly, the spiritual aspect usually receives the least amount of both.  When we seek God first and allow Him to order our steps, we can expect a spiritual maturation process pleasing to God.  (Matthew 6:33). Here are two ways to ensure our spiritual life hits growth spurts throughout the year (1) accept Jesus’ invitation (after receiving Him into your hearts as Savior and Lord) to let Him teach us. He says to us “learn of me.” (Matthew 11:29)  Growing spiritually involves renewing our minds. Becoming spiritually mature requires mental reprogramming and re-thinking according to God’s word.  (Romans 12:2)  To know Christ, our Living Word, we must know His written word. It is essential to cultivate our study of Jesus as Lord and Savior for spiritual maturity and effectiveness. (2) become rooted Him. (Colossians 2:6)  As Christians, we must grow down first to ensure growing up.  The more we learn about Christ, His character/essence, the further down, deep, and wide our roots go.  Deep roots that produce a deep faith grounded and established in in Him; deep roots that allow for experiences of “just a closer walk with Thee”; deep roots that wrought growth spurts exceedingly and abundantly above what we asked, imagined, or planned.

Jesus, humble and gentle in heart grew in wisdom and statue and in favor with God and man and the God’s grace was upon Him. Beloved sisters of HAC, let us remain humble at every level of spiritual growth.  Continue to mature in the grace and knowledge of Christ that enables us to remain steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work and the ways of the Lord. “More, more about Jesus let me learn, more of His Holy will discern” – Growth Spurts.  Happy New Year!

President's Message

Welcome to Huntsville (AL) Alumnae Chapter!!

I am truly humbled to bring you greetings on behalf of the 500+ members of the Huntsville (AL) Alumnae Chapter (HAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. We are thrilled that you have taken a few minutes to learn more about our chapter, programs, and the community service projects through our virtual platform.

On January 13, 1913, twenty-two visionary women founded Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, a non-profit organization of college educated women committed to the constructive development of its members and to public service, with a primary focus on the Black community. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated currently has a membership of more than 350,000 women in over 1,000 chapters worldwide.

We encourage you to explore our website and to follow us on our social media platforms (Meta (formerly Facebook), Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter)) to learn more about who we are and our
upcoming events.  We especially hope you will take every opportunity to partner with us on future public program initiatives and service projects events as we take Huntsville (AL) to the next level!!

We also encourage and welcome members of our illustrious sorority looking for a chapter home, or those visiting, to join us at one of our monthly chapter meetings held on the second Saturday of each month at 10 AM or join us at one of our upcoming events.   We look forward to welcoming you and making you feel right at home!!

With A Servant’s Heart,
Alexis L. Toney
President, Huntsville (AL) Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Take time to read more of  our chapter president’s passion as it relates to public service.